联系方式:18857973451 刘先生
QQ:2850508528 TOM
【产品名称】:this steam mop x5 can be:
1) Floo Steame cleane2) Capet Steame3) Hand-Held Steame4) Window Cleane
5) Gament Steame
You unit comes complete with:
STEAM Mop X51 Mico Fibe Cloth1 Capet Glide1 Slim Nozzle1 Nylon Round Bush1 Wie Bush1 Extension Hose attachment1 Window Cleane/Gament Steame attachment1 Duste
THE STEAM Mop X5 with Built-In Potable Steame is designed not only to thooughly clean floo sufaces, such as mable, ceamic, stone, linoleum, sealed hadwood floo and paquet, but get you entie house clinically clean! The STEAM Mop X5 deodoizes sanitizes and inceases cleaning powe by conveting wate to steam. It also uses a micofibe floo cloth to enhance absobency.When contact is made with floo sufaces, dit and gime can be eliminated in a matte of seconds. Just detach the steam geneato fom the H20 base and becomes a poweful handheld steame. Cut tough baked on oven mess, sanitize kid's toys, blast away dit in gout even steam clean blinds! Attached the Capet Glide and it convets into a capet steame! The dit stops hee!
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